The Path We Choose

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Story Images

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  1. i love that you have this site. the pics are great. i really love your writing!!!! i cant wait to see what happens in this story. keep up the excellant writing!!!!! looking forward to the next chapter.

  2. This site looks really good! Your story is a favorite of mine! Top 5 ive ever read definitley!!! I cant wait to read more!!!

  3. Who did the banner and do you think he would be willing to do one for me... if you made it never mind...

  4. I love the mommy bracelet, so pretty

  5. I luv Masen and Maddie's pics... They r soooo cute!!!

  6. Holy cow! After actually seeing what Bella wore for Edward's birthday lingerie I now understand why he almost had a heart attack! Dang! I wish I could wear those myself! lol

    I love this story! I'm getting ready to read the wedding chapter! Squee!

  7. I am currently reading your story from your blog, not FFN. I come in here often and look at the pictures. It brings everything so much clearer in my mind. Am so enjoying your story! I will check out your new one later also! Love the website!!! Thanks for creating it! I guess most people comment on FFN. I like it here better though!
